Services from March 2012

Services from March 2012

whY Waste?

In this second week of the whY series, we will be looking at the story in John’s Gospel of surrounding Jesus’ anointing and what it really means to waste in the way Christ intends for us to do so.

whY Doubt

As we transition to the weeks before Easter, we will take a hiatus from the En Fuego Series and have a 3 week series call whY which focusses on why we should care about Jesus, why should I want to follow Jesus, why an of this even matters; and several other whys?

Where’s Barnabas Now?

This week we look at the active ministry of Barnabas and Saul, specifically the type of person Barnabas was and how the church grew in amazing ways through his commitment and devotion to God and others and how the church today could use a few more Barnabas’ in its ranks today.

A Common Vision

The early days of the church in Acts found a struggle between who was welcomed in the church or those that were “chosen” & “holy” vs. “common.” The message of Christ is just that, God taking the normal, common, ordinary and empowering and using the normal in extraordinary ways.