Current Prayer Requests

Current Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests: If you have someone who is in need of prayer, you can send requests to Debbie Chadwick at or use the button below.

There are also opportunities for Haven to send a card, provide a meal or arrange a visit.

Please Remember in Prayer (November 3, 2024)
Please remember in prayer:
Pastors: Jack Cohen, Hug Pierre, (Haiti), Linda Seward
Those in Hospital or recovering from surgery: Bill Ross, Howard Hewitt, Finley
Those struggling either spiritually, with addictions, emotionally, mentally, financially, or physically: Donnie, Ed H., Sibrina Barnett, Judy Musick, Ruth Altizer, Wesley Hewitt, Debbie Liebich, Debbie Ross, Kyle Gardner, Roger Kipp
Also for: Paris Foundation, Sm Groups, Stephen Ministers, Leadership Team, Chrysalis, Unemployed, Our Country & Leaders, Emergency Personal, Military, Brandon Aro, Teachers & Students, CCPS, Those dealing with Covid
Those suffering from recent loss: